Friday, April 20, 2012

Today I have been in a reflective mood! I have learned that when looking at my growing up years there were way more positives than negatives!  I think of my birth brother who was only a few years older than my twin sister and I but was such a good brother to us! I believe he truly saved my life several times! I have heard stories of him sneaking us food, and running for help when he was left alone with us and we were very ill! We were only 10 months old at the time so he must have been about 4 or younger! He ran to the neighbor's and they called an ambulance for us! We were 10lbs at 10 months, very malnourished and had "Failure To Thrive". My twin sister and I stayed in the hospital for a month and then placed into a loving foster home. Our brother was taken to his grandma's house, and our birth mom was taken to jail.  This may not seem positive to you, but I think of the life we were living and the wonderful change that came about to save us from that life!  God has truly shown me his grace in my life!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Daughter of Grace Blog 

 Wow! My own blog! This very exciting! Ok! Enough of that! lol!

 The purpose for setting up this blog is to be an encouragement and share a little of what God has done in my   life through foster care, adoption, marriage, motherhood, and ministry!  I believe the feed back I get will help me in my efforts of writing my book, Daughter of Grace!